BOOK REVIEW: Black Static #78/#79-Neil Williamson


A fantastical spooky find from my Abominable Book Box.

Black Static #78/#79Black Static #78/#79 by Neil Williamson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I wish I had stumbled across this cool horror publication sooner. It’s more an anthology of short fiction than a magazine format.
I enjoyed the wide range of spooky tales, especially the cryptid, hitcher, and haunted house tales. Each story with a twist or original concept from the usual tropes. The closing story is equally chilling to its final haunting scene.

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It’s been a bit of a month…

To be fair, that is an understatement, so most things have been put on hold. However, as focusing on the positive side of life is my mantra, I am looking forward to putting the past where it belongs and concentrating on what happens next.

A simple picture of a flower I hear you say. What’s he trying to prove, says another. The answer is nothing, but the addition of the image will provoke a different response in everyone. That’s what social media does and why many use it to enlighten while others choose to destroy. Ultimately, it’s the your choice. I choose the former, although I am not here to hand out lessons on how to be a better human. I’m not sure that I have cracked that completely myself. My concentration revolves around becoming a better writer and that is what this blog is all about.

Writing Akresha II has become more challenging than I had expected, hence the long wait for it to be finished, but it has evolved, along with the characters held within its pages. I try to write as regularly as possible so I stay on track and this has helped to keep the story alive, I can see the process taking somewhat longer than I planned. Akresha was a small paperback whereas the new book maybe far more of a read. It will depend on what my editor decides to remove but in all, I believe it will be at least twice the read. A good thing in my opinion but it does create a problem for Akresha III. I did always intend there to be three books in the series but they were all supposed to be the same size. Looks like I will be having a re-think.

Something else on the re-think list is blog structure as I am not writing about, what I am writing about; if you get my drift, so that will be changing too. As for podcasts? Yes, they are on their way too, just trying to create so decent subject matter.

Take care all and always check what is around the corner before you barrel through. Usually an epic fail!


Summer Love

More of a hope than a fact, but I do love summer. The birds are out and tweeting like there is no tomorrow, and my wild garden plants have finally showed some signs of life. Also, the tomato plants I collected from my parents are doing well enough to qualify as viable.

Based upon that, my blog is upbeat and fun. With restrictions lessening and people generally moving around more, I think a reflection on the past year is in order, and not in a bad way. So, what did we learn?

Well, to state the obvious, Viruses are a bad thing and can cripple the global economy (The one we can see). Many died, many just survived, many; like me, had a lucky escape from the virus, but it still travels the world at will. We must all remain aware of the dangers and follow the rules.

Moving on…

I am still writing the sequel to Akresha and admit to it being a bit of a struggle, and this is an important mental health issue. I work from home, then I sit at home, and then I don’t write. Not a difficult equation to complete, but the truth. And that is why I have continued to place pictures of nature on my blog, to showcase what we have as free, if we choose to access it. The consistent destruction of our natural reserves has never been brought more to the fore than it has now, as people choose a countryside retreat instead of a balmy trip to Spain. Clearly, the home based break is the way forward for the majority. Based on current rules, there are few choices. We must maintain our beautiful nature. We have no choice.

On that, I will leave you. I am moving forward with Akresha II and will provide and update soon.


Podcasts are still on the way!

Podcasts on the way

It would be fun I said, You’ll enjoy it (Others said). I am having a bash at podcasting. It’s not the first time I have considered it and I have dabbled in other recorded media, but it is new for me to concentrate on a singular(ish) theme. That being, writing Sci Fi.

I am no expert so please bear with me, if you do choose to take a listen, but I am planning on talking about the experience as much as the craft. Writing, to me, is largely a leisure activity and an activity that I enjoy, so chatting about it might (or might not) be fun, so we shall see. I do intend to theme each podcast and try to keep on topic without sounding like a robot and that will be the challenge.

I am going to keep this blog short as its’ only purpose is to inform, which I believe I have done. My initial trailer podcast is here, so enjoy… All 20 seconds of it. I look forward to doing a little more next time.


Akresha II – Another chunk done

The fun never seems to end in these difficult days, and with the introduction of our new puppy, the focus of the family has changed. Earlier mornings coupled with early nights to compensate have put a premium on time but in a good way. I now make sure that I spend my writing time wisely producing concise prose. A first for me!

Akresha II has moved along well and I am pleased to say that it is on target now. I am producing enough each day to see a real change and witness a positive move forward in both plot and length. I do try not to concentrate on producing a ‘package’ but also understand that there is an expectation of a novel being a given minimum. The new book will be, and I am working on a few new plot twists that will give the work new legs – so to speak. In the mean time, I am looking to publish a couple more pieces I wrote some time ago. This I may do in a different manner to Akresha as I wish to explore other publishing models. the choices are considerable, with the opening up of publishing systems and I fail to see why I shouldn’t take advantage. I also see the amount of work that it takes to self publish a novel. There are no ends to the pit falls so I intend to take my time.

I, like many, am not missing 2020, although 2021 has not shown its’ true colours as yet; but I want to put a positive spin on things. My day job is going well, meaning I can afford to indulge in writing at my leisure, with luck, a more rounded and better produced book. I am in no rush to publish as I have no need of the revenue immediately. My book publishing journey is driven by desire, not financial necessity and my hope is that it will reflect in the quality. That’s not to say that I don’t want it finished and looking all shiny in the advertisements, I do, and I have a dozen more ideas burning holes in my head. They will all find their way out eventually.

I think that is enough for today so please take care, look after yourselves and those around you and keep safe.


A little more on Akresha II

Interesting as the current news is (?) I do tire if it rather quickly now so the impetus to continue writing my latest story is much greater. I am more of an outside type person and enjoy walking in the hills around East Lancashire with my partner and new rescue dog, Ollie. Unfortunately some of that freedom has been curtailed due to the current weather. The hills are far less accessible and my car tends to squirm around the road a little more than I am comfortable with; so its walks in the park for Ollie at the moment.


Concentration has therefore gone back to writing and I couldn’t be happier about it. Movement has been made on Akresha II with about 3000 words being added this week. I did struggle with the plot for a day or so and it was like being stuck on a corner and not being able to turn it, but that’s over with now and I moved on. The difference with Akresha II is depth. The first book lacked it so I am learning from that and adding as much detail as I can without dragging the story to a halt. Being that I write directly from my head, I have often image a scene so feel that I know it, forgetting that the reader hasn’t a clue what I am going on about. Not a good way of writing Sci-Fi as the world building can be complex to say the least.

Anyway… It is coming along and I hope to have something like a complete story by the end of January. All things considered I think this is a positive start to the New Year and hope all who read this are doing what they want to do in these trying times. Anyone who would like to read Akresha, it is available from Beaten Track Publishing & Amazon – Please follow the link.


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We’ve had a bit of a do!!

September went well, as did our holiday in Devon. Despite the current issues, we spent quality time enjoying the weather and found a number of fabulous places to eat. We could not have asked for a better time and I was even tempted into a brisk swim in the Atlantic, which I found to be surprisingly warm. Back from holidays and back to work – Got to pay for next years down time! By mid October, neither of us was feeling well and a test on the 16th confirmed the worst. Positive, COVID-19. If I was to be fair, both of us had been feeling pretty rough but hoping that it would pass, but my GP sent some oxygen saturation testing equipment to our home and the end result was a quick trip to Blackburn Royal Infirmary; for me at least as my partner was spared the experience. I was admitted and stayed in for four days.

I suppose the question is – What do I make of it all?

The answer is quite simple – It was one of the scariest and most sobering times in my life and I would wish it on no one. It also taught me to value what I have in terms of health and look after it along with those I hold dear to me. I suppose if I looked hard enough, I could find dozens of things that the experience gave, and an equal amount that it took away. One thing is for sure and that is – I will be taking the option of the vaccine as soon as it is appropriate as I will do more or less anything to avoid that experience if I possibly can.

Before I go any further, may I wholeheartedly thank the Doctors, Nurses and Staff at Blackburn Royal Infirmary for their kindness, professionalism and care. My life would have been much harder without you – If I had one…

Moving forward, because I still can, is Akresha II. I did attempt to work upon it during NaNoWriMo but with recovery time and a general lack of interest, it didn’t happen, but I have started writing again and it will be finished; just not when I intended. I am currently re-reading Akresha to ensure that I have things the right way up!

I do have further thoughts and ideas that are beginning to surface and say ‘Write Me!’ and it brings me to the last lesson I learned from my experience with the virus – Never give up…


Akresha II – Update

This won’t be a long post as I have been busy writing Akresha II (working title), but I felt it was time I popped in a quick word. The process is going well and I am now up to speed, with around 10K written. I thought it was important to let you know how I write so here we go.

I have a memory that allows me to plan the whole plot without physically writing it down. Some would argue that this is pantsering but I wholly disagree. I have the idea, the plot and most of the narrative planned as I go about my daily business; though it is organic and subject to change, the complexities of the story are there so I merely need to convert them to text. In my considered opinion, that us more difficult than coming up with the ideas in the first instance.

I have found in the past that the method can lead to shallow characterisations, but I have worked on ensuring that I breathe more life into the people in the plot. It has not been too difficult with Akresha II as the basic characters are still there and I haven’t added any as yet. This will be happening pretty soon in the story and I intend to ensure that the reader gets a better image of the character. As with Akresha, it is a fairly simple concept.

I will be blogging more as I delve deeper into the workings of Akresha II. Meanwhile you can get a copy of Akresha from here and through Beaten Track Publishing


And…So we begin.

After much thinking, moaning and general gnashing of teeth, I have decided to write Akresha II. I have other work that is complete, but it doesn’t feel right to publish it at the moment. I suppose I want some completion, although it will inevitably end as a trilogy, but a trilogy does require a middle element; so that’s the plan. I am finally writing again and I admit that it does feel good. Much of the last few months have paled into general boredom, groundhog day or the malaise created by home working. It isn’t as easy as some make out and as I cannot afford to be a full time writer so a day job is essential to keep the dream alive. Maybe one day.

On that note, I have always found writing a relaxing occupation and the thought of it becoming an essential has concerned me. I suppose it is the worry that I am not good enough, or won’t sell enough books; or reviews will ruin any chance of success. They are valid reasons for procrastinating, if that is your thing, but unsuitable reasons not to enjoy a hobby, or calling. Writing to me, is a little of both. I love it as a recreational pastime but equally, I need to do it. What has stopped me has been the worry of failure, until I worked out that I cannot fail. I have nothing to prove, just my hobby to enjoy; and if I sell a few books on the way, or get rave reviews, then all good and nothing lost.

There is creative reading as well as creative writing.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

When I saw the above quote, I identified with it for a very good reason. It’s absolutely factual! I tend to read within my genre and some works require a very creative attitude to reading which is what makes it so much fun. Working with the impossible creates its own problems, whether that be reading or writing it; but also allows a level of creativity flow that I don’t get in other genres. A subjective view, I accept, but its what has driven both reading and writing habits throughout my life.

To finish, I do have a website in the making, along with a few more writing ideas that I wish to explore. Keep checking back and I may surprise you with something soon. Maybe a new book or maybe not. We shall see


Further ramblings

When I wrote Akresha I wasn’t really thinking about what I was doing and although I enjoyed the experience and the publishing (done by my good friends at Beaten Track Publishing) I don’t now feel that I took it seriously enough. Although I have admitted that I didn’t do it for the money, I now want to concentrate more on the commercial side, as an experiment.

I am sure that many of you will have seen the claims of million pound authors who have done it all through you tube or merchandising and I admit that I follow one myself. The publicity machine is slick to say the least and the product equally so. But this does lead me to the question I find myself asking. Are we buying into the merchandising or the book. After all, the book is the product… Isnt it?

Link to product

Here’s mine. Its a book and I wrote it. I accept this as the product of my work and imagination, but it’s not the product. Looking at what I see around me, I doubt it ever was. I think the time has come for me to approach the issue in a different manner and the catalyst for this decision is a full time job. Yes! I have one. And one of the perks of having such a thing is the ability to buy websites and marketing. You may argue that if I were to publish through one of the big publishing houses, or at least pitch them, then this would be unnecessary and you would be wrong. I have it on good authority that the publishing houses check for social media presence and engagement as part of their decision making process. Social media pervades all, you can be assured of that.

So… I am doing things my way or more accurately, the only way that I can see with any type of future; by developing an ‘Author Platform’. Not even sure that I like the name of it, never mind the concept, but it’s the way forward and forward is better than backward.
